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Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Pro team Infamous Skills Clinic Coming to Flagswipe Paintball

Have you ever been watching the pro matches during a PSP webcast and thought, "I want to be that guy, how do I get to be where he is in life?"..  No?  Too bad.  For those other paintball fanatics like me out there, I have some exciting news for you!

For those who are interested in taking the next step into tournament paintball, Flagswipe, Canadian Express and Infamous have you covered!  Champion from both the 2012 NPPL Chicago Open and PSP Chicago events this year, Los Angeles Infamous player Travis Lemanski is coming to Canada on February 17th to host a paintball skills clinic at Flagswipe Paintball in London, Ontario!  This is a great and rare opportunity for players to get advice and pro tips from a professional on how to improve their game.  

Flashback to my early paintball days:

Back in 2005, an Infamous clinic came to my local field, DieHard Paintball.  At the time, I was just getting interested in playing speedball and had just sold my first marker (Tippmann A-5) and bought the brand new Ion.  Being new to playing speedball, I was eager to learn but had no idea where to start.  Going to the clinic and getting advice from the pros on how to hold my marker and snapshoot properly, gave tips on shooting lanes, as well as showed us how to slide and dive safely.  The session was very helpful, and the year after I began playing my first tournaments in the PETS series, later getting into Xball.

Infamous Skills Clinic

The clinic is open to paintball players of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned veterans and will include a day packed full of paintball drills to level up your game.  Entry for the clinic is only $110 ($100 for Flagswipe Members), and includes a case of paintballs, and an Infamous t-shirt to remember the day.  Players can register for the clinic by calling the shop at Flagswipe and reserving your spot.  Space is limited to 30 players, act fast and get registered TODAY so you don't miss this chance.